Danais, F.EN.I.C.E. – Gestione pratiche edilizie


F.EN.I.C.E. Is the management web application for the public buildings reconstruction after Emilia Romagna 2012 hearthquake.

The software is now being used by the Deputy Commissioner for the reconstruction in order to manage and collect projects submitted by the civil engineers and professionals (RUP). 
 is a web application, integrated on the Emilia Romagna region IT architecture that enable RUP with tools used to request to the Deputy Commissioner the funds assigned for every project listed on the reconstruction annual plans.


When the user login into the Fenice system, a workbench open up showing all projects related to the user logged in.

The user can modify projects data such as:

  • the projects general data;
  • metric data;
  • geo-location data.

The user can also add to a specific project the following data:

  • add entities that have a role into the project (architect, structural engineer, …);
  • attachments;
  • economic frameworks (related to presented preliminary/final/executive)

Fenice allows the management of all hearthquake reconstruction building practices workflow.

The Clickode team, working together with Danais team, developed the web application and the initial data load procedures.

Clickode used an Open Source stack for the web application (Java, Spring and PostgreSQL database) and for the initial data loading (Pentaho Data Integration). The choice, specifically requested by Italian public administration, is fits perfectly with Clickode expertise.

Danais per Regione Emilia Romagna

Project website