Color Hunter – Videogame


Color Hunter è un nuovo tipo di gioco, lontano dagli schemi tradizionali e che cerca di trasporre il gioco “ Strega comanda colori ” – un gioco molto popolare dell’infanzia – e trasformarlo in un gioco per smartphone. Per lo sviluppo del gioco è stata lanciata una campagna di finanziamento sul portale Kickstarter (~30.000 $). Abbiamo creato insieme ai nostri partner Area 051 e Foresite un prototipo per la piattaforma iOS appositamente per il lancio della campagna Kickstarter.


Color Hunter is a simple but alluring game that will be launched for iOS and then for other platforms. The game is easy. You press play and the program assigns a color to find. By using the camera of your smartphone, you have to search for the color around you and as you find it, shoot at it pressing a button. The more the color is similar to what the game is asking you to find, the more points you’ll earn. In Color Hunter you will be able to challenge your friends, to rise in the ranks and become a champ, to collect badges and much more!  

** “Strega comanda colori” is a folk Italian children game: players must be at least 3; the ideal number of players is 11. With a counting out rhyme, a “witch” is selected. The witch calls out a colour; all the players must go and touch a “thing” of that colour: it can be clothes, objects, or anything in the nature and environment. The game ends when the witch touches a player before he/she can touch the wanted colour. This player will be the witch for the next round of the game. 

Area 051

Project website